When and why should you do protein treatments?
Protein-based hair treatments have been on the rise in recent years. Thanks to their multiple advantages, these treatments are attracting more and more women and men. So, if you are wondering whether or not it is worth buying a protein treatment for your hair, here are a few things you will definitely need to know. Knowing if your hair is craving protein can be tricky as can finding the best protein treatment for hair that needs it. In the following, we have grouped together the essential points to know about protein care and how to adopt it in your hair routine.

What are the signs that you need a protein treatment?
Although protein-based hair care is often useful, it is important to understand that not all hair needs it all the time. So, before you decide to buy a protein treatment to improve your hair fiber, ask yourself if your hair really needs it. If this is the case, you can invest in purchasing a protein treatment tailored to your hair type.
Many people think that having dry hair indicates that their hair needs more protein. However, dryness alone is not a sufficient reason to treat your hair with protein. If your hair is dry, try an emollient-based conditioner first to try to rehydrate it. Only if this doesn't work should you try protein treatment. So, to be clear, here are the signs that indicate that your hair needs a protein treatment.
Hair that has lost its elasticity
One of the obvious signs that your hair needs a little protein boost is loss of elasticity. Try this little trick: take a small section of your hair, and gently stretch it. If the strand doesn't return to its natural state after being stretched, or worse, if it breaks, there's a good chance you need a protein treatment.
Hair that has been colored
If your hair has seen an excessive amount of coloring, it's going to need a little more protein. Hair that has been colored is very porous and even more susceptible to damage than natural hair. A protein treatment will help strengthen them and maintain healthy, strong strands. So, you can do a protein treatment before the day of your coloring, but also after having done the coloring.
Brittle hair
While losing up to 100 strands per day is completely normal and shouldn't alarm you, excessive shedding may be a sign that your hair is lacking protein and needs conditioning . Particularly, if the hair is not coming from the root. This means that your hair breaks easily and you will probably have to turn to protein treatments to strengthen it.
Flat and limp hair
Flat, limp or stringy hair is another sign that it needs a protein treatment. The proteins will help condition strands and make your hair visibly less falling out.
Hair with high porosity
If your hair is very porous, there are likely to be holes and breaks in the hair fiber, making it more vulnerable. A protein treatment will help porous hair get the nutrients it needs and seal any gaps in the hair fiber.
These few signs may show you that your hair needs special protein-based care. However, if you have difficulty knowing whether your hair needs a protein boost, do not hesitate to ask your hairdresser for advice. Getting a protein treatment for hair at a salon is a great place to start for someone who is entirely new to the protein game and may have doubts about whether such a treatment is necessary.
Once you receive a recommendation or treatment from a professional, you will be more comfortable doing a protein treatment at home.
What exactly is a protein treatment for hair?
Whether you have straight hair, curly hair, frizzy hair or wavy hair , there is always a possibility that you need a protein treatment. So, if you are wondering what this type of treatment consists of, know that to put it simply, it is a treatment aimed at re-boosting the protein in our hair. A protein called keratin makes up the majority of the hair's hair fiber, keeping it healthy, strong and full of elasticity. But with damage from styling , maintenance , pollution , coloring , and other things that don't do your hair much good, keratin begins to break down.
Certain lifestyle and diet choices can also lead to a general keratin deficiency in your body. Since maintaining a balanced, protein-rich diet is essential for healthy hair growth, not consuming enough protein can contribute to hair loss. You can add food supplements to your diet to boost the keratin in your hair. Also discover the highest protein foods here .

How does a protein hair treatment work?
A protein hair treatment helps repair strands by attaching hydrolyzed proteins to the hair cuticle and hardening the cuticle. This type of treatment has been specially designed to repair damaged and brittle hair in order to give it a much healthier appearance while promoting its growth.
If there are any gaps in the hair cuticle, the protein treatment will fill them and place a barrier around the hair shaft to reduce future damage. In this way, it strengthens and repairs your severely damaged hair. This is the sheathing effect of protein-based treatments designed for hair.
You can also find some DIY ideas for homemade protein masks on our website to take care of your hair.
Are proteins good for your hair?
There are many benefits to using a protein treatment on your hair. This can be a fantastic way to temporarily repair damaged hair by filling gaps in the hair cuticle, caused by styling or heat. They are also effective in reducing breakage and making your hair smoother, stronger and shinier.
But if you are about to ask whether protein treatments can damage hair, the answer is that overuse of these treatments can have side effects. Adding too much protein to your hair can cause it to become dry, brittle and stiff. Your first step should therefore be to check the frequency of application of your protein treatment and stick to it.
Additionally, most protein treatments should always be accompanied by a deep treatment to restore hydration. The most important thing to remember is that most protein treatments should be used on damaged hair.

How often should a protein treatment be applied to the hair?
How often you use a protein treatment depends on the type of treatment you choose, as well as your hair type. Some types of gentler protein treatments can be used more frequently for example, once a week or so, while more intense protein treatments should be used less often every 4 to 6 weeks and with more caution. Before applying a protein treatment, read the label to find out how often you should use it - you'll be doing your hair a favor!
Now that you have all the answers to know whether your hair needs protein or not, consider nourishing your hair from the inside, naturally, with a treatment of our candy-shaped hair gummies ? Dream hair is yours!
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