Idées coiffures

The benefits of lemon for hair

Les bienfaits du citron pour les cheveux

Have you ever heard the adage “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade”? This is very true given that lemons have many benefits, not only for health but also for your hair routine! In addition to quenching thirst during summer periods, lemon also has many benefits for improving hair health while strengthening hair fiber . If you have trouble growing them or they often fall out, using lemon in your hair routine is also recommended.

This is because lemon contains many elements beneficial to hair health. By applying lemon juice directly to your hair and scalp, you can harness the power of nature in a way that can help you in your fight against thinning hair, for example. How does lemon promote stronger hair and healthy hair growth? Why should you add lemon to your hair routine? What are the tips to adopt to have healthy hair thanks to lemon? Discover all our answers to these questions in the following.

Lemon for shiny hair

The benefits of lemon juice for your hair

You are certainly wondering what are the real benefits that lemon provides to your hair? Here are some points that will certainly interest you. Whether you have oily hair, fine hair, curly hair, brittle hair or others, lemon can be introduced very well into your hair routine. You can choose the best way to use lemon according to your needs and the health of the hair you want to have.

Deeply clean the scalp, one of the first benefits of lemon

When dirt and dust accumulate on your scalp, it's time to get rid of it with the help of lemon. It helps cleanse the scalp and unclog hair follicles that might be clogged by many products. Thanks to the vitamin C it contains, lemon helps regulate the formation of sebum and prevent the formation of dandruff.

Promote hair growth

Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which is perfect for improving hair growth. The antioxidants and other nutrients found in lemon juice also help grow hair, even from dormant hair follicles. So, if we tell you that to have long and strong hair, the use of lemon juice is recommended, don't doubt it. Many people have already tried this trick and are delighted with it. Second benefit validated!

Maintain scalp health

Lemon helps control sebum production on your scalp. It has antifungal properties. This can help maintain scalp health and curb problems like scalp acne or heavy oil buildup.

Revive hair color

If you have noticed that your hair is becoming dull on a daily basis, lemon can help you remedy this. The antioxidants and other nutrients present in lemon juice make the hair shiny and soft at the same time.

Boost collagen production

Robust collagen production is essential to help grow hair , and vitamin C can help you get a good amount of it. Lemons contain tons of vitamin C which boosts collagen production. Lemons contain many other nutrients that strengthen hair follicles and promote new hair growth.

Exfoliate and detoxify the scalp

Lemon juice is known for its acidity. You can therefore use it to deeply cleanse the scalp and hair follicles, restoring a healthy pH level while eliminating the build-up of products, oils and pollutants.

Fight against dandruff

Dandruff, in addition to being annoying and unsightly, can hinder normal hair growth. Another benefit, lemon has natural antifungal properties which will reduce dandruff .

The benefits of lemon for maintaining your hair

Lemon to fight dandruff

You are certainly wondering how to take advantage of the different benefits that lemon juice can provide to your hair? Here are some tips and DIYs that you can adopt to use this hybrid fruit in your hair products to get all the benefits for your hair.

Lemon-based revitalizing water

To harness the shine-enhancing power of lemon, cut a fresh lemon in half and squeeze the juice from one half. Mix the juice with a little water, apply to the scalp and gently massage the scalp and hair for five minutes. Let the juice mixture sit on the scalp for an additional eight to ten minutes before rinsing, shampooing, and applying conditioner. Repeat the operation once or twice a week for shiny hair after removing the limescale contained in tap water.

Henna powder hair mask

Mix henna powder, an egg and hot water in a bowl until you have a thick paste. Squeeze the juice of half a freshly cut lemon into this mixture. Apply this mixture and let it sit until it dries. Rinse the mixture under cool running water.

Lemon juice and coconut water hair mask

Mix equal parts coconut water and lemon juice in a bowl. Massage the mixture into your scalp and leave it on for 20 minutes. Wash it with a mild shampoo. It helps prevent oxidative damage to hair.

Hair mask with lemon juice and aloe vera

Mix the aloe vera gel and lemon juice in a bowl. Apply the mixture to your scalp and hair until it is completely covered with the mixture. Leave the mixture on for 30 minutes, then rinse it with a mild shampoo. This product improves scalp health thanks to its antimicrobial properties.

Hair mask with lemon juice and aloe vera

Other uses of lemon juice for hair

You now know how to introduce lemon juice into your daily hair routine, however, here are some tips that you can adopt in order to properly use this natural hybrid fruit for the good of your hair.

Lemon juice to lighten your hair, dream or reality?

According to beauty enthusiasts and bloggers, lemon juice is generally suitable for brown and blonde hair. Since citric acid is a mild bleaching agent , using it on dark hair will not make a noticeable difference. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that using lemon juice on dark hair results in the appearance of red-orange hues. However, if you have blonde hair and are looking for subtle highlights, follow the steps in the next section to lighten your hair with lemon juice.

Steps to follow

There's nothing simpler than lightening your hair with lemon juice. However, for best results please apply it to dry hair.

To do this, please fill the spray bottle with lemon juice. Top it off with conditioner in a 2 to 1 ratio. You can also use water instead of conditioner, but this risks drying out your hair. Shake the bottle to mix the ingredients. Add a little chamomile tea or honey for brighter highlights.

Then, spray the mixture all over your hair for even coloring. You can also apply the spray to certain sections of your hair that you want to highlight. Expose your hair to direct sunlight for at least two hours. Wash them carefully in lukewarm but not hot water and then apply a deep treatment. Let your hair dry naturally to reveal subtle, beautiful highlights.

You can find many DIYs and tips on using lemon for the body in our articles.


Lemon, and especially lemon juice, has many benefits for hair health . Not only will it improve the appearance of the hair fiber, but also give it a certain robustness. If you have dry, brittle hair or dandruff problems, the best way to solve this problem is to add a few drops of lemon juice to your daily hair care routine.

However, while lemon is wonderful and can certainly help improve the strength and appearance of your hair and encourage growth, it will not be able to stop significant hair loss related to health issues. As this situation can occur due to different situations, it is best to go to an expert. The latter will carry out a complete diagnosis to determine the appropriate treatment for hair restoration or other.

You can use lemon as a non-invasive alternative treatment at home, all associated with taking supplements or anti-hair loss treatments such as our flagship product and rewarded in the Résolution No. 1 Beauty victories combined with My Résolution Anti-hair loss serum No. 3 . Resolution n°1 will allow you, in addition to stimulating growth and stopping hair loss, to deeply nourish your hair and make it strong. Resolution No. 3, will promote the anchoring of the hair bulb in the scalp. With that, goodbye to fall, hello to density!

With this little information you now know how to use lemons. If you have them in your kitchen, don't just use them to make lemonade, you can also use them for hair care and much more. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to leave us a comment or even a message on our various social networks such as Instagram or Facebook . We will answer them with great pleasure :)
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